Great article, very informative. It has inspired me to search out a copy for my collection. Perhaps the real dupes of the ‘Dark Gods’ are those paranoid souls who push conspiracy theories, like David Icke.

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Thankyou! I agree, paranoia is a toxic reality tunnel to occupy. The book is pretty hard to find, and sells for upwards of £200. PDFs are available online though

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This is a brand new one for me, never heard of either the author or the book. It's incredible how a momentum can build behind the ideas in work such as this, insomuch as they go beyond just being talismanic, their influence almost becoming Lovecraftian in reach. There's a real feeling of battery-licking relationality too - especially when it comes to the physical descriptions which remind me a little of the now culturally perennial Nosferatu!

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Haha, well the authors claim folkloric vampires to be psychic energy-suckers in service to the ultraterrestrials, so Nosferatu is probably complicit!

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Another excellent adventure in the byways of Avalon. Doing great work here Mark!

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Thanks as always Peter, appreciate your attention!

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